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Terms and conditions

Terms of intervention and fees

PravoLex SPRL Association of lawyers
Swissstraat 16
B - 1060 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 850 80 96
Fax: +32 (0)2 851 46 03
ECB / VAT: (BE) 0715.935.422 BE 05 3631 8274 1875 (BBRUBEBB)


The purpose of this document is to explain the general methods of intervention and the financial conditions under which our mission will take place.

Never hesitate to ask a question. An explanation avoids misunderstandings.

What is the legal framework of our interventions?

Our interventions commit us to obligations of means and diligence. These can only be carried out in a spirit of real collaboration and insofar as you provide us with all the information necessary to defend your interests in a timely manner.

We may have ourselves replaced, for all or part of the services to be performed, by another partner or collaborator, all in strict compliance with the requirements of the defense of your interests.

The services will of course be performed in compliance with the laws and regulations to which the legal profession is subject as well as compliance with the regulations and recommendations instituted by, the Order of French-speaking and German-speaking Bars, Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten bij de balie van Brussel, the French Order of Lawyers of the Brussels Bar to which we belong.

The funds that we may need to handle either on your behalf or on behalf of third parties will pass exclusively through our third-party accounts subject to the control of our Orders.

How are we insured and what is our liability?

Lawyers registered with the Brussels Bar are insured for professional civil liability by the insurance company Ethias, Rue des Croisiers, 24 at 4000 Liège (tel: 04/220.31.11.) for the whole world with the exception of the States United States and Canada.

Lawyers registered with the Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten bij de balie van Brussel are insured for professional liability by the insurance company AMLIN Europe te 1210 Brussel, Koning Albert-II laan 9.

As part of the missions entrusted to them, the liability of PravoLex, its partners and employees is capped at the amounts of the professional insurance policy taken out, and this within the limits of the cover. The insured amount currently amounts to an indicative sum of EUR 1,250,000.00. At your explicit request, insurance covering a higher amount or excluded regions may be taken out within the framework of a specific file, subject to the payment of an additional premium.

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How are our fees and costs calculated?

Our statements of fees and expenses are divided into three parts:

I- Disbursements:

They represent the costs that our Firm is required to incur on your behalf. These are essentially the costs of bailiff, registry, copies, issuance of civil status documents, shipments, home searches, issuance of cadastral matrices, mortgage statements, etc.

These costs are passed on to you at cost.

II- Fees

These costs represent part of the Firm's internal costs such as stationery, stamps, envelopes, photocopies, cost of administrative staff, depreciation of computer equipment, telecommunications, travel, archiving and conservation.

These costs are fixed at an amount corresponding to 15% of the fees, with the exception of those relating to registered mail and travel and an initial flat rate of EUR 125.00 for administrative costs (opening of the file, computer encoding, filing, maintenance of accounting data).

We may also agree with you that these charges be accrued as follows:




Opening / archiving a Correspondence file

Typing of procedural acts, inventories, contracts

Black and white photocopy Color photocopy Photography
Search in the national register


125.00 Eur/ per OUVD file 9.50 Eur per CORR page 9.50 Eur per DACT page

0.30 Eur per COPY page 0.65 Eur per COPC page 1.29 Eur PHO piece 15.00 Eur per RN request

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Typing an email without the intervention of the secretariat 5.50 Eur the CORM page

Travel costs 0.60 Eur per Km DEPL

These amounts are likely to be revised according to changes in the cost of living and/or salary scales applicable to our staff. They are exclusive of VAT.

III- Fees

The fees represent primarily the remuneration of the intellectual work of the lawyer, such as consultations, telephone conversations, meetings, expert opinions, study of files, research, preparation of conclusions, drafting of agreements, negotiations, requests, quotations, memos hearing, preparation of pleadings, pleadings, appearances at remission hearings, pretrial hearings, procedures at the clerks, at the Public Prosecutor's Office, familiarization with correspondence, judgments, preparation of mail.

On the other hand, these fees include part of the infrastructure costs such as buildings, lighting, heating, access to documentation centers, libraries, ongoing training and conferences.

The basic hourly rate varies between 150.00 to 250.00 Eur excluding VAT per hour.

The application of the rate constitutes a basis which could be fixed, in consultation with you, according to certain criteria, such as the urgency which it is advisable to reserve for the treatment of the file, its difficulty, or the result obtained.

These basic amounts are adjusted annually.

The services performed by the lawyer at the request of the client after 6 p.m. on working days or on weekends or public holidays are billed at the hourly rate multiplied by two.

In the event of regular solicitations from the client by Watsup / Viber / messaging, one to two hours of services will be invoiced monthly, depending on the intensity of the exchanges.

In cases assessable in money, the percentage linked to the result obtained will be applied in addition to the hourly rate invoiced:

  • -   Amount recovered from €1 to €50,000: 10%

  • -   Amount recovered from €50,001 to €125,000:8%

  • -   Amount recovered from €125,001 to €250,000: 6%

  • -   Amount recovered from €250,001 to €300,000:4%

  • -   Amount recovered of €300,001: 2%



Registered fees

15.00 Eur by registered mail, in addition to any costs for additional stamps at cost price


Special secretarial services (telephone communications given, research for information, making joint appointments, bundling of exhibit files)

30.00 EUR per hour



When are the fees due?

As soon as the file is opened, a request for a provision evaluated according to the foreseeable cost of the services corresponding to the first duties requested may be sent to you. This request for provision constitutes a purchase order within the meaning of Article XIV.55 of the Code of Economic Law.

New requests for provisions will be addressed to you according to the evolution of the file. These provisions are not necessarily representative of the state of progress of the duties nor of the height of the costs and disbursements incurred on the day of the request. However, they allow you to monitor the financial burden of processing your file.

We can, at any time, draw up a statement of intermediary fees and costs.

Calls for provision such as the payment of the balance of fees and disbursements as they will be detailed in the final statement established at the end of our intervention, are to be paid on simple request and at the latest within thirty days of sending demand.

Failing this, and insofar as there is no follow-up after sending a reminder, or even a formal notice, we reserve the right to suspend any intervention on your behalf, at your own risk. exclusive. In addition, in this case, the amounts remaining unpaid will be increased by the additional costs incurred for their recovery and late payment interest payable at the rate provided for by the law of August 2, 2002 relating to late payment in commercial matters.

What happens if there is a disagreement between us?

Any dispute is, as a rule, the subject of an attempt at conciliation organized by the Bar Association and, in the absence of conciliation, is settled in accordance with common law but always in compliance with the rules of the Bar Association to which the lawyer belongs. 'lawyer.

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Processing of personal data

I. How your personal data is processed




PravoLex complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) and ensures the confidentiality of all personal data concerning you, collected and processed within the firm.

“PravoLex” means all the lawyers carrying out their activities through PravoLex sprl as well as its staff.

The terms used in this section have the meaning attributed to them by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. data (hereinafter “GDPR”).

II. Who is in charge of the treatment ?

PravoLex sprl (BCE 071 59 54 22) is responsible for processing your personal data.

III. What are personal data?

Personal data means "any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an identifier in line, or to one or more specific elements specific to his physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity.

IV. For what purposes and on what legal basis do we process your personal data?

Your personal data may be processed by PravoLex when the processing is necessary:

  • When contacting you, in particular when collecting your personal data when making an appointment, when opening your file. The legal basis for the processing is the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at your request.

  • To the proper execution of the mission that you entrust to us. This includes the management of your file in the broadest sense and, in particular, all actions useful for the exercise or defense of your interests, whether before the courts or not, and also, accounting management and financial of your file. The legal basis for the processing is the performance of a contract to which you are a party.

    Communication of information targeted on the basis of your sector of professional activity on our services and/or products or invitations to attend one or other event organized by PravoLex. This processing is based on the legitimate interests pursued by us. At any time, you have the right to object to this processing by notifying us.

  • compliance with a legal obligation to which PravoLex is subject;


• for other specific purposes for which your express consent will be requested.

V. Who are the recipients of your personal data?

In addition to PravoLex's lawyers and members of its staff on the basis of the need to have access to this information, PravoLex may in particular collaborate with the following recipients: lawyers, bailiffs, notaries, accountants, agents of justice, experts, administrations and public services, one of the bar associations and all other ordinal bodies. The sharing of your personal data with these recipients is done if it is reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of our mission or when a legal obligation requires it.

VI. Who are the subcontractors who may have to process personal data concerning you?

Subcontractors may process your personal data in the name and on behalf of PravoLex and on the basis of our instructions. These include IT service providers or lawyers external to our association, without this list being exhaustive.

PravoLex makes sure to only use subcontractors who offer sufficient guarantees as to compliance with the provisions of the GDPR. Useful agreements in this regard are signed with the subcontractors concerned.

VII. For how long are your personal data kept?

The processing is carried out for the entire duration of our mission and may be continued beyond this deadline for the time necessary to, in particular, comply with our legal obligations (in particular storage), assert our rights or even prevent any possible conflict of interest. The usual retention period applicable for personal data whose processing is necessary for the performance of a contract is 10 years, from the end of the said contract or the closure of our mission.

VIII. What are the contact details of our Data Protection Officer?

You can contact our Data Protection Officer at the email address for any additional information, or to assert your rights.

IX. What are your rights ?

Permission to access

You have the right to obtain from PravoLex confirmation that data concerning you is or is not being processed and, when it is, access to said data, by sending an email to or a mail to the address of our registered office.





Right of rectification

You have the right to demand that incorrect data be corrected and that data that is inappropriate or that has become useless be deleted by sending an email to or by sending us a written request by post to the address of the registered office. .

We draw your attention to the fact that you are at all times required to verify the accuracy of the data that you communicate to us.

Right to be forgotten

When you no longer want your data to be processed and you meet the conditions to request the right to erasure, we will then delete your data from the databases.

This deletion will be made within the month following the notification of your request, unless their conservation proves necessary to comply with a legal obligation or for the observation, the exercise on the defense of legal rights.

Right to portability

As far as necessary, you will also have the right to the portability of your data under the conditions provided for by the applicable data protection legislation.

Right of objection

You also have the right to object to any use of your data for prospecting purposes. You can at any time, free of charge and without having to present any justification, exercise your right of opposition by sending an email for this purpose to the following address:

You may also unsubscribe from marketing messages by following the unsubscribe instructions included in each marketing message sent to you. We will honor your request(s) as soon as possible.

Right to restriction of processing

Finally, you have the right to obtain from PravoLex the limitation of the processing of your data, in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

X. How do we protect your personal data?

In order to best protect your personal data, PravoLex takes all reasonable measures to prevent the loss, misuse, disclosure, unauthorized access or alteration of this personal data.

Appropriate measures are taken, both technically and organizationally, to ensure a sufficient level of security.

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